Monday, May 27, 2013

Vinagre Aromatico and Calamansi for her bath

On my previous post, I shared about the health benefits we can get from alum (tawas) and how it makes my little girl free from bad odor. Recently, because of the very warm weather, alum may not be enough. I am not saying that it’s not effective but I think it is not according to her age anymore or I should try something new.

My friend informed me about VINAGRE AROMATICO which helps prevent sweat and bad odor. After hearing this suggestion from her I hurriedly went to a drugstore and purchased this vinagre aromatico. It will be mixed to the water every bath or depends on how often you want to use it. But, I prefer using it for her everyday. Yushin likes the aroma of it.

I also heard about the benefit we can get from CALAMANSI which is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow.

So every bath, I make sure I have these two (vinagre aromatic, calamansi) mixed in the water. It will give Yushin the best smell and best skin ever. 

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